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Reviewing Process

  1. Each article submitted for publication undergoes unilateral blind peer review process for the purpose of its expert evaluation.
  2. The reviewing is performed by members of the Editorial Board or by invited experts. All reviewers are acknowledged experts on the subject of the reviewed materials and have in the past 3 years publications on the subject of peer-reviewed articles.
  3. The reviewer can not be the author or co-author of the article under review, as well as the supervisor of the author or an employee in the department where the author works.
  4. The review process takes up to 3 months. In the case of the receipt of a large number of articles for review as well as in the case of being on vacation of a large part of members of the Editorial Board, the term of the review process of articles can be extended up to 6 months.
  5. All articles submitted for publication are subject for verification on plagiarism, illegal borrowings and citations. Verification of articles is carried out by the reviewer using the “Antiplagiat” system. Submissions with text originality less than 70% are not accepted for publication.
  6. When reviewing, the focus will be on the following issues:
    • does the content of the article correspond to the stated topic;
    • relevance of the article and the level of its scientific novelty;
    • the importance of the problem statement or the results obtained for the further development of theory and practice in the specified domain of knowledge;
    • the use of scholarly sources on the subject and the correctness of citing references;
    • the originality of the article taking into account previously published literature on this issue;
    • the relevance of findings to the purpose and objectives of the study.
  7. The review should reflect the positive and negative features of the reviewed article.
  8. On reviewing, one of the following decisions can be made:
    • Not to publish;
    • The publication is under question (the article should be considerably revised and submitted for a new review);
    • The article can be published after revision;
    • The article can be published without changes;
    • Recommended for a prompt publication.
  9. The editors send to the authors by e-mail copies of the reviews of the article or a reasoned refusal. The editorial office will not engage in a discussion of the merits and shortcomings of articles and other correspondence concerning the submitted materials (both accepted and not accepted for publication).
  10. In the case of a negative review, the editorial office may suggest the author to improve the article according to remarks of reviewers. Modified version is subject for secondary reviewing.
  11. Submitted materials are transferred to the editorial archive and will not be returned to the author. The originals of the reviews are kept at the editorial office of the journal for five years
  12. Small stylistic and formal corrections are made to the article without the consent of the authors.
  13. The journal does not charge authors for publication of their materials. No fees are paid to authors.

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